Investment Platforms

About us

Investment platforms was launched in 2021. On this website, we want to inform entrepreneurs, investors, and other interested parties about everything that has to do with assets and investing. We provide information about the different ways of investing and the best platforms for your investing goals.

We do not advise on platforms or investment products.

What we do

Investment platforms belongs to Zietuwel, a Utrecht (the Netherlands) based dot-com company that publishes about investing on this website, but also publishes about ecommerce on Ecommerce News.

We also own other Dutch blogs, like Ecommerce News Nederland, Ondernemen & Internet (“Entrepreneurs & Internet”), (“Investors”), (“Crowdfunding market”), (“Bond market”), (“Dropshipping”) and BV (“Starting a Ltd”).

How to contact us

You can contact us by e-mail. Our company is registered on the following address:

Molensteyn 60-B
3454 PT De Meern
The Netherlands

We are registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under the number 37102174 since 2002. Our VAT number is: NL002097294B45.


Find us at Google Maps.